"What is the solution to the crisis in Greece?"
All five "disprove" the policy memorandum and in stark anithesi the climate alarmist who day by day gigantic proportions in Greece.
• Guy Byrzel, a professor at Nanterre University and author of "The Athenian miracle of the 20th century.
"We need to see the crisis only in terms of" state of social indifference and carelessness which justifies austerity recipes in huge doses "because" it would kill the patient but mostly we do not understand anything. "
The Greek system has "reached its limits." The Olympics of 2004 that delayed the realization that began to be felt three years later, the deadly fires in the Peloponnese.
"The Greek society is ready for re-invention, to accept the establishment of a" public purpose "and to pay for this?" Wonders. Considers that the Greek state, which features "weak" and "customer" does not promote this awareness.
The Greeks' desire for less rigor while staying in the euro is not contradictory. "We would have no objection to make the sacrifices that requires a real state, but are to be implemented in a spirit of equality and responsibility."
• Nikos Dimou, writer:
To change attitudes. It's time to get out of the lethargy and to open up to modernization ... Who knows? The crisis may have a beneficial effect. "
• John Varoufakis, professor of economics
"According to the prevailing view that Greece, if he wants to remain in the euro, must succumb to terms" with which to receive help.
"I am convinced that the prevailing view is totally wrong and that the only chance to keep the euro in Greece is to renegotiate the terms of the agreement" rescue "of."
What should the new prime minister will come to Greece?
"Suppose you do something unspeakable: they tell the truth. We appeal to our European partners and tell them that even if every Greek man, woman and child tried to respect the commitments of the country in exchange for rescuing the debt percentage of GDP will remain in orbit explosion which will result with certainty in the country disorderly exit from the eurozone, Greece ... I suggest to blackmail Europe? Of course not. Since when is extortion to say the truth and refuse to take loans that can not pay back? "Wonders.
• Catherine Zerst by consulting firm Citigate Dewe Rogerson.
"The economic, political and social situation in Greece is much worse today than before the bailout ... to lend to heavily indebted to a higher interest rate than the original debt while having no or negative growth" exacerbates the situation. ..
The Greek debt of 375 billion "is negligible in front of the aggregates of the eurozone and the losses recorded in all the stock for several weeks ... there is no other way by a new plan of total debt, including not only the debt the Greek state and the total debt of Greek households and businesses. " To this must be added "a new Marshall Plan for Greece."
• Zach Shapiro, an economist.
"The memorandum of Greece sank into recession" and supports the position of A. Tsipras for renegotiation.
What do you recommend
"Whether the EU countries will invest in the Greek economy, Greece will either withdraw from the euro and the drachma devalued. The second option, "as if it is painful," sees "better than the memorandum."
ellas news.net
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