The British architect Michael Ventris decipher Linear B script as recorded by the Greek language of the Mycenaean period.The son of a colonel in the British army and Anna Dorothy polonovretanidas Yan, born in England and spent his childhood in boarding schools in Switzerland, where the slope seemed to language learning and skiing. Until nine years old he had learned French, German, Swiss-German, ancient Greek and Latin. In 1936 at the age of fourteen years old, happened to be guided by Arthur Evans in an exhibition of Greek and Minoan art. There spurred interest from the fact that Linear B was not deciphered. So he started reading about it.Since January 1940 he began studying at the School of the Union of Architects. All this time engaged in leisure time with efforts to understand the Linear B, having faith that it was a relative of the Etruscan language.In August 1942 enlisted in the RAF and began pilot training, but eventually dealt with navigation and deciphering coded messages. After training in Canada participated in bombings in Europe. By the end of the Second World War, taking advantage of his knowledge of German, managed to put back in Germany. In 1946 he was dismissed and returned to his home in Chaipoint, where lived his wife and two children, and studies in architecture.Additionally, the Ventris never stopped working on the decipherment of Linear B, having also regular correspondence with other researchers and contact with distinguished scientists like Sir John Mary. Because of the error which had fallen due to the erroneous theories of Arthur Evans, and despite repeated inquiries made by Mary Ventris and U.S. vomiting and Alice Bennett Komper, no significant progress until the American researcher Alice Komper observed that groups of symbols , named the triplets Komper, revealed accidence. The slope leading to the conclusion that it was a language with grammatical rules as the Greek and Latin, not of Etruscan.After a short break from the Linear B in 1950 did attempt to organize the exchange of information among researchers. But no researcher (including Ventris) dared to suggest that the language of Linear B is Greek. In 1951 it began distributing the Notes Working with other researchers and to form grids, which list the symbols depending on the possible significance. He resigned from the architecture even work to deal with decryption. Finally in 1952 he ventured to leave the case of Etruscan language and to test the possibility of Greek.Already been discovered and published the Linear B tablets found in the palace of Pylos. The new wealth of data helped to observe certain groups of symbols, which had important reasons to believe that they were names of cities. As some of these groups appeared only on plates from Crete, made the case that they were names of cities on the island. Making matches managed to clarify the meaning of other symbols and found that Linear B was Greek script. This disproved the theories of Evans for the Minoan civilization, showing that at least the time of registration Crete was part of the Mycenaean world. In collaboration with John Chadwick moved his research and published data showing the correctness of decryption. It soon became known, and a new wave of interest in Mycenaean Greece and the Cretan civilization developed around the world. Along with Chadwick wrote the book "Documents in Mycenaean Greek", while in 1954 he worked as a designer in excavations in Emporio, Chios, which states that translating signs immediately after the excavation.While now most of the scientific world had accepted his discovery and he accepted Honors and suggestions for entering the academic world, was killed in a car in 1956.The arrival of the Mycenaean Greeks from mainland Greece to Crete was accompanied, among others, the adjustment of Minoan writing in Greek. The Mycenaean Linear B, and syllabic script, which was recorded on clay tablets at Knossos (ko-no-so), around 1400 BC, was deciphered by the British architect Michael Ventris in 1952. The language of signs is the Mycenaean Greek and content for the rulers of Knossos "recovers" to soldiers and tanks, oil and herbs, honey, wine and many sheep. There are extensive reports of the tax records of the palace of Knossos which show a well-organized bureaucratic system. Information we also offers the Pantheon, Jupiter and other deities. With the destruction of Knossos, the Linear B disappears, but it still occurs in Chania (ku-do-ni-ja) and Mycenaean Greece.
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