The man stands between two infinities: infinite in one call the universe or macrocosm and the other - what ...
extends from the same man as the smallest subatomic particles - Microcosmos. Two inexperienced in the last centuries strives to investigate to find out their secrets.
But this search has begun for thousands of years. We find traces of the "Kymvaleio" Alexandrian text era, which has its roots in ancient Egypt.
This document contains 7 Principles-Laws governing the Universe. The second principle is that which connects the macrocosm with the microcosm, man with the Universe. It is the principle of proportionality and correspondence that says: "As is
down, so is over and like above, so below ", revealing that the universe manifests itself in scales, and levels of existence, everything has its counterpart in another scale by joining a relationship analogy. This view is also found in the Bible stating that God created man "as the image and likeness."
Modern science is confirming these ancient teachings, revealing little - little secrets of the composition of the Worlds. Who could not distinguish matches the structure and function of a solar system, a cell and a person? The only thing different is the magnitude in space and time! Does the relationship between the size of a bacterium to humans upon which develops, connects and not the man himself with the planet on which he lives? And do not apply a similar relationship with the life of the bacterium compared to that of human and the life of this man on Earth? The same substance and similar relationships at different levels of the cosmic scale!
This connection of the infinitely large to infinitely small was during the centuries the object of study of domestic science, which have now generally fallen into oblivion or have lost their primary meaning. Astrology, for example, studying the parallels and relationships between the planets and constellations with the human psyche the character of a person or human group. On the other hand, the alchemy involved in the transformations of matter starting from the study of the properties of the microworld. All these searches have a common goal: to connect the worlds, levels of the One Universal Life.
Joining the "UP" with "down": The Three Worlds
How many levels but divided the universe? If we wanted to synthesize the teachings of ancient cultures, we could say that 3 Globes recognize the worlds within which occurs the Universal Life: a material world symbolically referred to as Earth, a spiritual world is referred to as SKY and an intermediate world, the psychological world that plays the role of the Atmosphere.
Uranus is the dimension of Ideas, the Logos, and therefore considered the seat of the sanctuary. Is the world of indestructible, eternal beings where life prevails. Unlike the physical world is subject to decay and death therefore considered "profane." Let's not rush to give the meaning of the sacred and the profane to the importance of "good" and "evil." This is a reference to what is eternal and indestructible and comparing them with the materials, temporary and perishable. In the philosophy of all ancient cultures, the forms of the material world is illusory, shadows of true beings of the heavenly world. Speaking about this falseness, the Indian philosophy refers to the Maya, the great fallacy of this material world. But Plato's Cave Myth in the "State", refer to the falseness of all that lies inside the cave, ie the material world.
Once again the science of the twentieth century comes to consistency with the ancient teachings and now supports it, the material world we live in is nothing but images that makes the mind based on our senses. Let no one think that only huge distances separating the molecules of a material object, making it virtually empty ...! We, however, through the senses and the mind perceive as solid, hard or soft, or any other properties. Statement is typical of the famous natural Nils Bohr that all matter in the universe, if collapsible fit in a tablespoon!
And between these two worlds, a bridge is the world of Soul, the atmosphere, the perpetual motion which allows communication with the spiritual world the material. The soul is the springboard for our spirit, the infinite, for the Truth.
Creation and Evolution
How did communicate the spiritual with the material world? All ancient cultures speak to us of the creation of the world as the descent of the spiritual into the material world. It is the Spirit who penetrates into matter and form of dress. Uranus is that fertilizes the earth to make it sprout, give birth to forms, bodies. It is the Spirit who owns a piece of matter and not matter who "have" a spirit, the soul has a body and not the body that has a soul!
The action of creation often symbolized by a lightning fall on the earth above the waters of the matter - like an electric spark that triggers the start of life.
But the Earth is in turn responds to the call of Heaven. In a move that obey the Law of Action and Reaction, Earth struggles to unite with Heaven, the forms are trying to touch Cause that created them. It is the movement that we call evolution by which the beings struggling to unite with the archetypal world from which they came. Evolution sometimes symbolized by a staircase with a spiral or a tiered pyramid, symbol of all levels to be housed beings to return to the Source of Life
Knowledge and Interpretation of the Keys
How did ancient civilizations possessed this knowledge for the association and communication of the Worlds? How is this knowledge from generation to generation? The answer lies in the ancient institution of the Sacraments we meet the great civilizations of antiquity: Egypt, Greece, Tibet k . etc.. Knowledge that was surrounded by secrecy veils and vows of silence (the word "mystery" comes from the verb "initiate" which means "clam up"). Few insiders had access to it.
From this knowledge to us today has reached only the aftermath: some texts, traditions and myths. But to reach a current knowledge of the researcher must hold some keys of interpretation, as in ancient sources are codified knowledge is not to be perceived from the uninitiated, although perhaps only as a simple tale.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky The, the work of the "Secret Doctrine" refers to the existence of 7 basic interpretation keys "unlock" the ancient knowledge. Each of these keys is divided into 7 sub-keys and turn them into 7 sub-sub-keys, each giving a total of 343 (= 7x7x7) keys for the interpretation of ancient knowledge and science.
7 The main keys are:
Metaphysical (characters of Being)
Numeric (evolution and proportions of Ideas-Number). For the Pythagoreans, for example, the numbers represent the essence of beings and scales of Creation.
Geometric (organization forms). For the Pythagoreans again, the geometric shapes were the morphological "shadow" of Numbers in the material world
Astrological (based on relationships and interactions Macrocosm - Microcosm) as mentioned above.
Alchemical (communication relations and growth of the Elements). The search for the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Life, the alchemical elements (salt, mercury, sulfur), are only states of consciousness evolution beings on their way to Heaven.
Organic, as the same forms of life with escalations give them the key to understanding the One Life-Energy.
Morfogennitiko or morphoplastic (semiotic and symbolic forms that generate ideas) which includes disciplines such as geography, literature, etc. Example of using this key is the use of etymology to decode the names of gods, heroes or towns.
History: Study the science of the past
Nowadays, the past is the subject of study of history of science, which to study the past, based on specific "sources," meaning of this condition any material that can be used to understand and study the past.
The heuristic is the science that studies the historical sources. The number of objects that could be a historic resource is huge, as there is some material from the past that can not give us any information or evidence of an event or a season. Generally a material can be described either as a source of "strict sense" (eg, inscriptions, monuments, paintings, books, etc.), material that is created with historical importance, either as a source of "broad sense" (p . example of human creations daily work).
Also, there is also a multitude of disciplines that can be described as helpful for History, Palaeography such as the Diploma, the Currency, the Chronological, the Genealogy etc. Along with those directly related to the science of history or archeology a host of other sciences can help in studying the past, working on some of the 7 Keys mentioned earlier. Such sciences are geology, zoology, botany, psychology or astrology or Theological Phenomenology (which compares the different religions).
The search for truth and the psychological aspects of research
Throughout this quest for truth about man's past and its evolution enters inevitably subjective psychological factor of the researcher. Unfortunately, for a modern history is not easy to study and interpret a historical event not seen through the prism of political or religious beliefs or moral values of his era.
Objectivity is difficult to meet because we are not only time away from studying historical events, but also because they are analyzed and considered as a rule, "according to the eyes" of the researcher. So another stop will have a Muslim historian on the life of Mohammed and another one Western researcher. A communist historian will give interpretations giving paramount importance to economic and social factors of an event, someone else will put them in second place. One would assume the battle of Thermopylae, an act of supreme sacrifice and glory, while someone else present it as an unnecessary sacrifice.
But above all we must not forget the psychological, moral and social factors that contribute to the written history. Not to forget, for example, that "history written by the winners" at any level: national, political, religious, scientific. Thus, modern researchers often make the mistake to underestimate and criticize ancient civilizations or historical figures based on the ideas and ethics of the modern world.
So an ancient Egyptian or Greek citizen is often considered inferior, simply because we live in a time of technological advances. A historian of science devalues a scientist of the Middle Ages because "he did not know so many today as a scientist," while criticizing some ancient civilizations on the institution of slavery, and today millions of 'workers' living and working in conditions far worse than those of "ancient slaves."
Apart from the subjectivity of each researcher's past who wants to be impartial and to deepen need to indulge in the lifestyle and values of people of that time studying, but also in the mode of transmission of ancient knowledge, which is based on these 7 Keys Performance. Towards this can help all the modern sciences which more or less related to the 7 Keys that open the "chest" of knowledge and traditional initiatory every ancient civilization.
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