In an interview this week with the Serbian weekly Nedeljnik, Carla del Ponte claims that the research he wanted to carry on trade in organs is attributed to the KLA, was "blocked" by NATO. Regretted the "lack of political will" to move on this issue.
Find your file:
KLA organ trafficking: "In Kosovo, we all know"
Carla del Ponte says specifically that "a lot of pressure" prevented from starting research in 2004 following the report already referred to crimes committed in the famous "Yellow House". It confirms that the destruction of evidence was ordered without the knowledge of.
However, the Office of Serge Serge Brammertz, Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY who succeeded Carla Del Ponte, said that substantial evidence investigators had gathered in court in 2005 have been destroyed, with the consent of Carla del Ponte. "The Prosecutor Brammertz believes that the decision to destroy the evidence was a mistake, but can not comment on internal decision of the court."
The Serbian prosecutor for war crimes, Vladimir Vukcevic, said that he had asked officials of the ICTY reasons for this disaster, and were told that the evidence regarding the "yellow house", but also Srebrenica had been destroyed " according to normal procedure. "
Rhetorical questions
I did some research on gkougkl just to confirm my suspicions. And The Criminal Code provides penalties not only for those who destroy evidence and penalties for those who spread false news. So to please those who had actively participated in the demonization of the Serbs and the covering up of crimes committed against them will not change anything in the court-monkey can custom and condemns those who just want gangs and obsolete items.
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