the G8 summit at Camp David and instead sent his friend and right hand, Dmitry Medvedev, to undertake to represent Russia. Reminded us somewhat of the Cold War era and I do not think we are wrong. The message is passed to the session: "Russia is strong, is becoming stronger and it would be good to realize." He had this result? Guess. Barack Obama responded to the announcement of his absence from the meeting of APEC to be held in Vladivostok. You drive, so? In the not too distant past, the BRICS countries organized a summit in New Delhi. Finance ministers who represented these emerging economies has been drafted and agreed on a resolution which undoubtedly contains some ominous message for the world financial markets.The current IRC (international reserve currency), that the U.S. dollar, relegated to a degree hitherto unknown, as the BRICS group of ministers decided that from now on trade between them will be conducted in their respective currencies to the dollar and not USA. The economies of these 5 countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and new entrant to the group, South Africa), already control over 40% of today's global economy. So when you finally apply this decision to ignore the (once) almighty dollar, possible thunder will be heard on Wall Street and Bond Street, where it gets shaped and executed the design of the current image of the world. There is a possibility, apart from forming a political bloc, the BRICS group to go one step further. And this step will not be any expansion of cultural exchanges between them, but maybe a defensive alliance type, whose platform will obviously be different from that upon which NATO was built.Despite the geographical differences between countries in the group BRICS, political will is not excluded in the future to decisively determine the course of this new alliance. Of course, these 5 countries are already regional force, not only in economic but also a defense level. If and as long as this happens, the unipolar world in which we live, and who has been cause to experience frightening unilateral military interventions, which have cost the lives of many thousands of people, perhaps to live his last days. The imperialist actions of the few countries that once dominated the planet, the former colonial powers, it is possible soon be past. Why and empires once the sun goes down and destroy the dreams of aspiring designers new empires. That time will be printed as a slogan in bold letters and provide a reference for all who will be interested to read and understand. And believe me, what I write is all wishful thinking in a malnourished slave citizen deprived of a Third World country that experienced the violence of a whip master for decades. It is a fact that guarantees the future forces of nature. The nature, you know, has some laws that provide for some balancing perspectives.At this time, in another latitude and longitude, Europe is experiencing an unprecedented turbulent experience, made entirely of some circles. The bankers based in London and New York, and the infamous bloodsucker, known as the IMF, are the main actors involved in it. The austerity imposed by force on the working class of Europe, and hour by hour the elite and wealthy prosper more and more. The gap is widening, a highly dangerous level, and this might cause some parts of Europe into chaos and anarchy, unprecedented experience for these countries. For example, Greece is a historic path, or will force it to remain within the eurozone, or will require it to come out of it. If it becomes reality, then all the debts owed to the European Central Bank and the IMF will be deleted. Spain, Portugal and Italy are certainly watching developments anxiously after themselves facing serious problems with their economies. But not excluded and sometimes trans monarchs of the world! The index of the recession in Britain has been transformed into double figures. For some time the British authorities observing silence, but recently announced publicly.In France things are not better. By Francois Åland now at the helm, the French policy is geared more towards growth despite cuts in compliance with the austerity measures the IMF and the banks are promoting. Today, therefore, we are a few steps before the inevitable happened. The euro as we know it may suffer collapse and the same goes for the U.S. dollar. This leaves many to anarotontai about what comes next. By doing that shape the reality of these data, we'll see an end to the hegemonic attitude of the former colonial powers once and for all? And as we talk about globalization, to say that it actually achieved its targets in a way. He made the world smaller, especially for the few. The corporate world were merchants who have benefited most, having found and opened new trade routes, which allowed him to have access to every corner of the world most of the phenomenon called "globalization" has created, above all, consumerism citizens, but did not bring any social or economic benefit to anyone. Now, with the inevitable collapse and destruction of international currency (the dollar), this phenomenon will soon be history. This does not mean, of course, that imitation of this phenomenon will not stay as they are.The trade bloc created in South America, but also in Asia and Africa will continue to exist. This will lead to further isolate the U.S. and Europe, as it will shape the future picture of the world. The countries of South and Latin America, for example, have made clear that no longer have to depend on American aid, trade or anything else in development plans. It is true that the local economies of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, among others, have ventured to get along a different path to unite and protect them from the erstwhile dominance of the U.S. and its policies towards them. Their economies have recovered, they focus more on socio-economic welfare of their citizens, in contrast to what was before. We now have a clear picture of what is happening in many parts of the world.To summarize the whole thing, the new world order envisioned by the former colonial powers seems to be evolving into something different. A different new world order where justice, equality and fraternity between nations will be the goal, may soon become fact in this generation, that will open new horizons for the next. The power and the powers of this unipolar world, and only by frustration or despair, is likely to shrink. And already it seems that what we seek the great powers in Syria will not evolve into another humanitarian tragedy, as in the case of Iraq and Libya. Because the forces opposing the aspirations of these strengths are much stronger. This time will not allow to happen what we saw in the recent past: be decimated two sovereign nations, have killed thousands of innocent civilians, all in the name of hegemony, oil and greed!Jagdish Keshav of the newspaper Pravda
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